The Spirit of Wisdom

{I Corinthians 2:6-16}

The sacraments are strange to outsiders. Eat the body? Drink the blood? Pour water on a baby? What do these sacraments really mean to our faith, and how does the Holy Spirit illuminate that for us? Pastor Drew explains in our morning service.

The Short Commute Podcast – Episode 9: A Supporting Church

What are the strengths of being a 150 year old church? What are the weaknesses? How might we partner with local churches to fill in gaps for each other? Pastor Drew and Zack discuss in this weeks episode of The Short Commute Podcast!

The Short Commute Podcast – Episode 8: Is Ruth the Christ-figure?

Pastor Drew and Zack chat about the introduction to the new series, “When Right Is Wrong.” How do we understand Ruth’s fit in the time of the Judges? And is Ruth a better Christ-figure than Boaz?

Zack’s Sermon

Judges Under A Microscope

Ruth serves as a prologue to the book of Judges. We zoom in on Naomi and her family as they navigate the vicious cycle of sin-then-repentance. Despite Naomi’s hopelessness, she finds a companion that comforts, provides, and restores.